Adjusting to Separation

Separation whether planned or unplanned brings with it much change and can be experienced by many as a very stressful time in their life.  For some people the separation itself may be stressful.  For other people it is the new challenges they face such as: reduced financial security; periods of separation from children; uncertainty about mediation; and involvement with family court - that they find stressful.  Support from a professional with specific understanding of these challenges can be helpful. 

fearLESS Trauma Recovery

Trauma can have an intense and lasting impact.  Some people can be left facing the impacts of trauma in their day to day life long after the incident(s) are over.  You can be supported to move forward from the impact of trauma.  Information about the body’s normal defensive responses, recognising and responding to your triggers and proven treatment approaches can help you to integrate your trauma experience so that you have a greater sense of control and satisfaction in life. 

Support for Children

Children affected by separation, anxiety and trauma can also be offered counselling support.  Our approach seeks to build resilience in children and strengthen the relationship between children and their supportive adults.