We believe that parents are the experts on their own children…
Katelyn betti and yvette wiklund

Katelyn betti and yvette wiklund

Coming from backgrounds in Psychology and Family Law respectively, Katelyn and Yvette are accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRPs).

Together Yvette and Katelyn have over 30 years’ experience in working with families.

Katelyn and Yvette have both worked as Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners since 2008 and have held senior roles in a peak organisation within the mediation sector.   Katelyn and Yvette’s experience in their respective fields contributes a deep understanding and capacity to support individuals through the complexities of relationship breakdown and family conflicts.

Yvette and Katelyn share a passion for forward planning in their own lives and want to share this and their combined professional knowledge with Family Compass clients.

Find out more about Katelyn and Yvette below.



BSc, BPsych, Reg Psych,
Accredited FDRP

Katelyn is a Registered Psychologist and an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP).  Katelyn also has personal experience as a step-parent.

Katelyn has over 20 years experience supporting families and has been practicing psychology for over 10 years.  She has experience working with children and adults, including people who have experienced abuse and neglect.  Katelyn has specific training in a variety of effective trauma counselling models.

Katelyn has been working as an FDRP since 2008.  She has held senior positions within a peak mediation service for the majority of this time and has successfully supported families to resolve some very complex family scenarios.

Experience in Brief

  • Over 20 years experience working with families.

  • Over 20 years experience with the Protective Behaviours Programme.

  • Over 12 years experience working within the Out of Home Care sector.

  • Over 10 years experience working as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, including over 8 years experience in Senior Practitioner roles.

  • Over 10 years experience working within a trauma and crisis counselling service.

  • Experience providing individual counselling and facilitating group programmes, including as Manager of a Parents and Children’s Therapeutic Service.

  • Experience managing and providing family services and youth programmes.

  • Specific training in empowering parents and improving parent-child attachment.

  • Specific training in developing resilience in children.

  • Special interest, experience and training in working with people who have experienced trauma or abuse.

  • Experience developing and providing training.

  • Training audiences include parents, professionals, volunteers & university students.


ACCREDITED FDRP | Nationally Accredited Mediator

Yvette is a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) and also holds a Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution.

Yvette has worked for over a decade as a paralegal and solicitor in Family Law.  She has worked closely with families in high conflict and complex legal situations, in both government and private practice environments.

Over the last decade, Yvette has worked as an FDRP for a peak national relationship services provider and has also worked within the State Government providing conflict resolution services in the health and disability services sector.  Yvette has experience working with mental health consumers and their families in both her legal and dispute resolution work and is aware of the depth of complexity this adds to family situations.

Experience in Brief

  • Over 15 years experience working with people affected by family separation.

  • Over 10 years experience working as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, including
    5 years experience in Senior Practitioner roles.

  • Over 10 years experience working as a paralegal and solicitor, primarily within
    Family Law.

  • Experience with all areas of Family Law, including: children’s matters, property matters, binding financial agreements, superannuation, child support & VRO’s.

  • Experience representing families in the Family Court of WA and in preparing client documentation for court, including preparation for trial.

  • Experience managing domestic and international child relocation matters.

  • Experience preparing and submitting client applications for Legal Aid.

  • Experience working with health, disability and mental health consumers, including through working with the Mental Health Law Centre and within Government.

  • Experience working with Family and Domestic Violence situations.

  • Experience designing and delivering training.

  • Training audiences include professionals, university students and people undertaking Family Dispute Resolution training.